Your one-stop-shop for River Partners’ marketing collateral

About Us

Quick Facts

Brief highlights of River Partners’ work, impact, and why we’re worthy of support. (2 pages)

About Us (2 pg)

2-page piece about who River Partners is, what we do, why it matters, and why we’re deserving of support.

About Us (4 pg)

4-page piece about who River Partners is, what we do, why it matters, and why we’re deserving of support.

Project Backgrounders

Dos Rios Ranch Preserve (4 pg)

4-page backgrounder on Dos Rios Ranch Preserve.

Featured Projects (4 pg)

4-page backgrounder on Featured Projects.

Turning Point Preserve

4-page backgrounder on Turning Point Preserve.


Org Overview Powerpoint TEMPLATE for presentations 2024

Template for Powerpoint Presentations

Statement of Qualifications

Template for Statement of Qualifications

Brand & Logos

Color Logos with Blue Text

RP Logo Primary, Transparent

Primary logo with blue text, transparent background

RP Logo Primary

Primary logo with blue text, white background

RP Logo Horizontal

Horizontal logo with blue text, white background

RP Logo Stacked

Stacked logo with blue text, white background

White Text Logo Versions

RP Logo Primary, White Text, Transparent

Primary logo with white text, transparent background

RP Logo Horizontal, White Text, Transparent

Horizontal logo with white text, transparent background

RP Logo Stacked, White Text, Transparent

Stacked logo with white text, transparent background

Headers, Footers & More

RP Blue Header

RP blue header

RP Footer

RP footer

RP Brand Colors

River Partners Brand Colors

Heritage Growers

HG Logo

Heritage Growers Logo

HG Wordmark

Heritage Growers Wordmark

HG 2-page Brochure

Heritage Growers 2-page brochure

HG 4-page Brochure

Heritage Growers 4-page brochure

Media Clips

Los Angeles Times_Freeing Rivers_2.20.24

“How freeing rivers can help California ease flood risks and revive ecosystems”
LA Times, February 20, 2024

Bay Nature Magazine_The Native Seed Gold Rush

“Native Seed Gold Rush”
Bay Nature Magazine, October 19, 2023


“First Drought, then Flood. Can the West Learn to Live Between Extremes?”
NY Times, May 31, 2023


“California is still at risk of flooding.Maybe rivers just need some space.”
NPR, May 28, 2023

RP-WASHPOST – Article 4.24.23

“Do people have to die? Why these Californians fear catastrophic floods.”
Washington Post, April 24, 2023


“California town wonders if restored floodplain prevented disaster”
Reuters, February 6, 2023

Modesto Bee

“Gov. Newsom, please put back the money you just snatched from floodplains | Opinion”
Modesto Bee, January 30, 2023

LA Times

“California faces catastrophic flood dangers – and a need to invest billions in protection”
LA Times, January 18, 2023


“California’s next flood could destroy one of its most diverse cities. Will lawmakers try to save it?”
Grist, January 18, 2023

NY Times

“Weeks of Storms Test California’s Approach to Taming Nature”
NY Times, January 5, 2023