California’s Deficit is Nearly $32 Billion. How Will the State’s Budget Address It?


Hosted by Marisa Lagos

Governor Newsom released on Friday his May revision of the state budget, which shows a $31.5 billion deficit, nearly $10 billion higher than forecast in January. Newsom has declined to raise taxes or meaningfully dip into rainy day funds to address the deficit, opting instead to limit funding increases for transportation, climate and social service programs. At the same time, the revised budget would increase funding for flood protection, especially in the Central Valley and Tulare Lake basin ahead of the ‘Big Melt.’ We’ll talk about how it all might play out in the legislature before the budget approval deadline of June 15.


Jeremy White, covers California politics, Politico

Chris Hoene, executive director, California Budget & Policy Center

Julie Rentner, president, River Partners – a nonprofit based in Chico, CA, that works to restore healthy watersheds and create wildlife habitat in the Central Valley and Southern California

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